Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Dina, a nanny to one of the children, is decorating her pillow case.

The children colored their pillow cases today. Our friend, Laurel, helped us find white fabric and a tailor in Bamako made the pillow cases for us. We wrote Psalm 143 on each one. We wanted to give them a keepsake that they could use daily.
We finished tie dying the shirts and these look great! (Will post picture tomorrow of their shirts.) The children learned more about the Resurrection today. They played bible trivia, had a water balloon fight, ate Fruit roll ups (a big hit), and made clay animals.

We have our presentation of "The Easter Tree" tomorrow night. We practiced with the children today and they are going to do a great job! The children made invitations, for their performance, and put them on the lunch tables today. We can't believe that our time is almost over. We are excited about the "big finale" tomorrow night.
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  1. Love the pillowcases. What a sweet remembrance each will be! Each one is written by hand? When do you sleep?

  2. We did do the pillow cases by hand. God gives us sleep!
